Meet Our Captains!

The Captains aboard the open boat
Captain Gillen strive to create a
family friendly fishing experience all
season long — Captree fishing at it’s best.
Tony, Patrick, and Dave
Captain Patrick Gillen
was born into the business and follows in his father’s footsteps, running an open fishing boat at Captree State Park. “My dad started at Captree in 1955 with the original Captain Gillen, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” he explains. Captain Patrick has been running the Captain Gillen since 1991.
Captain Tony Castaldi
is most often seen on the 4 PM trips and has been working down at Captree for more than thirty years.
Captain Dave Prilook
has been in love with fishing since childhood and has been involved at Captree for more than two decades. Captain Dave runs trips, works deck, and keeps all the fishermen and fisherwomen smiling.